Peace Be Still! (For poetry in a Minute)

Crowded by these many thoughts, voices; yelling, groaning and screaming from the quiet of my very dark corners  That place of aloneness, absolute sombre and tranquillity  I hear the wailing mothers, the crying children and  gnashing  of teeth by the peoples… In a world of growing genocide, suicide and homicides… Blurred lines of distinction betweenContinue reading “Peace Be Still! (For poetry in a Minute)”

Sweet taboo

Sourced from flimsy bliss and a battered heart…Subtle dogmas that have now  quenched our fierce fires of sincere love  Leaving scars where tattoos now cover; your lies are true and your truths are lies! Hurts become routine, pain a bind for harmony, shame an appellation for honour  Indeed passion and emotions do end too swiftlyContinue reading “Sweet taboo”

These Days…

So much I don’t understand, so much I don’t have answers for… But you are God! So much i don’t still see, even in shattered pieces, when my spirit is weakened and my body fails me… But you are God!  So much i resent, things happened, things happening, things looking like might just happen… ButContinue reading “These Days…”

songs on my mind…

It is wonderful to know that Jesus died for me… wonderful to know.. It is beautiful to know that Jesus died for me… Beautiful to know… It is marvellous to know that Jesus died for me… Marvellous to know… Jesus, blessed Jesus, I love your name, I love your name, Jesus blessed Jesus…there is noContinue reading “songs on my mind…”


Too easily blown, flown at dawn and the windy dusk… Dried or watered, too easily swept, left and unkempt… How inconsistent if persistently pricked and poked… Unabridged, unbridled and unrestrained she becomes… With the right moments, in garments of deceit, a gainsaying that appeals to a craving soul; uncertain hearts, wavering at every probe, throbbingContinue reading “Tossed…”

Make me

Guide us until Your truth is told defiantly  Help us until love is expressed completely  Forgive us until our lives are given totally  Sustain us until our hearts believe remarkably  Don’t let us go away from your  presence  because your are the essence of our living  You give meaning to our existence and  Your absenceContinue reading “Make me”

Bold and beautiful…

nb-image sourced via google. Somewhere within her soul, Anywhere on her planet  That perfection of colour, Your balance of proportion  Laced with an air of simplicity; A sweet  fragrance of virtuous character, Is bold and beautiful! Bold and lovely, only merely found, Amidst  distant lands of wild fantasies , Awaits my Bold and beautiful perfection So tender; inspiring such wonder andContinue reading “Bold and beautiful…”