faces of love…

Marred visage! dismal looks,beauty turned patched like the arid sand dunes..
Such is the face of my love ,for she walked away into the thick dark woods of uncertainties and doubts
Unstable I feel as I try to mumble amidst the jumble of my crumbles
I search for “white-pure-waters” for to quench my test of love and hope
Too swiftly flown away like summer birds,like falcons to unattainable clouds
My love does not smile,smell nor feel…this numbness creeps over me as the cast shadows of Kilimanjaro
But I stoop to steer and fan ablaze this indescribable feeling
Though she walks away amidst depths of broken promises
Sad faces of love ,weak hands of hope,withered bones of faith,
Un able to weather these storms of pain and hurt
I look to you, my mirror of hope and grace,
Take away this picture of gloom and doom
Make me see the dusk again with hopes for a dawn So ahead…
Don’t go so far away from me….take me with you!

EJOHN’s thoughts..

Published by ElderJohn

I am a thinker and artiste thinking aloud here

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